ACK KirinyagaPillar News

ACK Church of Faith Mung’etha Consecration Highlights Power of Faith

The ACK Church of Faith Mung’etha celebrated its consecration service, presided over by Rt. Rev. Dr. Joseph Kibucwa. The theme, “What Faith Can Do”, was drawn from Mark 7:24-37, illustrating the transformative power of faith through two miracles performed by Jesus. Rev. Faith Leah Kiura hosted the service, with Mutira Archdeaconry, led by Archdeacon Ven. David Wachira, in attendance. Phyllis Mbuthia ministered through music, uplifting the congregation.

Sermon Highlights: A Journey of Faith

The story focuses on a woman who sought out Jesus to heal her daughter possessed by an evil spirit. This narrative showcases faith’s ability to transcend barriers and bring about miracles.

Text Background:

The passage from Mark tells of two miracles where Jesus ministers to people of different social statuses (a Jew and a Gentile), showing that faith knows no boundaries.

Four Key Divisions:

1. The Problem:

  • Jesus Cannot Be Hidden:
    Despite attempts to remain hidden, Jesus’s deeds drew attention. When Jesus transforms lives, His presence becomes evident, even when unspoken.
  • Discovered by a Woman:
    The woman, though from a humble background, found Jesus because of her pressing need. Her problem became the catalyst that led her to seek Him. Sometimes, challenges push us to knock on doors we would otherwise avoid.

2. Jesus’ Priority:

  • Initially, Jesus sought rest, but the woman’s plea interrupted Him. Though His priority was the children of Israel, her persistence moved Him. Jesus teaches us the importance of prioritizing but also listening to those who reach out in faith.

3. The Woman’s Humility:

  • Instead of responding to Jesus’s rebuke with anger, the woman humbled herself further. Despite knowing she wasn’t Jesus’s primary focus, she continued to plead for her daughter’s healing. Her humility mirrors the humility of Christ on the cross. In church, we are called to lay down our pride and humble ourselves before God.

4. Jesus’ Pronouncement:

  • Jesus, seeing the woman’s faith, declared, “Because of your faith, go; the evil spirit has left your daughter.” Her faith led to her daughter’s healing. Faith allows us to move past our problems, swallow our pride, and receive God’s blessings.


Rev. Faith Leah Kiura emphasized that faith can break barriers, heal, and bring transformation. The service encouraged believers to humble themselves before God, trusting Him to act in their lives.

Event Details:

  • Host: Rev. Faith Leah Kiura
  • In Attendance: Mutira Archdeaconry led by Arch Ven. David Wachira
  • Ministering Musician: Phyllis Mbuthia
  • Presiding Bishop: Rt. Rev. Dr. Joseph Kibucwa

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