ACK KirinyagaPillar News

Retirement Service of Rev. David Kanyange

Human life unfolds through various scenes, much like the narrative in Acts 12, which captures the final account of Peter’s experiences. The sermon highlighted six scenes from this chapter, each revealing different aspects of God’s intervention.

Six Scenes in the Text

  1. Scene 1: Peter in Jail
    • Peter was thrown into jail while partaking in the Passover feast. Being imprisoned is never a pleasant experience; similarly, police arrests can often be harsh and rough. The bishop compared this to the challenges believers face, but reminded that, despite feeling hopeless, situations often improve.
  2. Scene 2: Peter in Chains
    • Peter was chained and guarded by soldiers, yet he was at peace, even though he awaited execution. This peace signifies that one can still find calm amidst hardship. The bishop noted that believers might be physically present in church yet remain chained by issues such as drunkenness, idolatry, or other sins. However, he assured that these chains are temporary.
  3. Scene 3: The Church’s Prayer
    • The church, despite the seemingly hopeless situation, prayed earnestly for Peter’s release. This scene underscores the power of prayer, even when circumstances appear dire. The bishop emphasized that prayer is a powerful tool capable of changing situations.
  4. Scene 4: The Angel’s Visit
    • An angel visited Peter, waking him up and breaking his chains. The angel guided him past the guards, and the main gate opened miraculously. To Peter, this felt like a dream. The bishop illustrated that regardless of the chains binding us, God has the power to break them and bring freedom.
  5. Scene 5: Realization of Rescue
    • Once the angel left, Peter found himself alone and realized that God had indeed rescued him. Facing the uncertainty of the moment, he headed towards the praying church. The bishop noted that reality can sometimes be harsh, but God provides help and guidance.
  6. Scene 6: Gatekeepers
    • Peter knocked persistently at the door of the praying church. Initially, the believers thought he was a ghost, but they eventually opened the door. The bishop mentioned that some people, like the gatekeepers in Peter’s story, may block our way, but persistence leads to breakthrough. Peter’s story became a powerful testimony of God’s deliverance.


Verse 18 reveals how the soldiers, confused and frantic, were punished by Herod, who later faced his own grim fate. In contrast, Peter was set free, with a testimony of God’s sovereignty and power. This story serves as a reminder that God’s intervention is profound and powerful in every scene of life.

Celebrant: Rt. Rev. Dr. Joseph Karimi Kibucwa
Theme: The Six Scenes
Text: Acts 12:1-18

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