ACK KirinyagaPillar News

True Joy

The service at ACK Githure Parish centered on the theme of True Joy, drawn from Luke 10:17-24. The occasion marked a Confirmation ceremony and the opening of the Sunday School class. The sermon explored the nature of true joy, particularly the joy of salvation that comes from being in Christ.

Key Lessons from the Sermon:

  1. Disciple Joy and Their Salvation:
    • The disciples returned with joy, reporting the powerful results they experienced in the field. They were amazed at the authority they held, even over demons. Jesus affirmed their joy by sharing that He saw Satan fall from heaven, demonstrating His awareness of the spiritual realm (celestial territory). This statement lifted the disciples’ understanding to a higher reality beyond their immediate experiences.
    • Jesus reassured them that they had been given power and authority over spiritual forces, but He clarified that the greatest joy comes from having their names written in heaven—true joy rooted in salvation.
  2. The Joy Longed for by Ancestors of Faith:
    • Jesus emphasized how blessed the disciples were to witness what many prophets and kings longed to see but never did. This privilege highlights the grace available to the present generation, who have the opportunity to see and hear the fulfillment of God’s promises. The message reminded the congregation that with such revelation, there is no reason to delay accepting salvation.
  3. Jesus’ Joy Because of Salvation:
    • Filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus expressed joy over God’s revelation of His kingdom to the humble and less fortunate, rather than to those of high status. The joy Jesus felt came from seeing God reveal His secrets to those with childlike faith. The bishop linked this to the joy of seeing the confirmation candidates embracing the kingdom and the revelation of God in their lives.

Altar Call:

The Bishop invited the congregation to embrace the joy of salvation by accepting Jesus into their lives. He encouraged everyone present to open their hearts to Christ, assuring them of the true and lasting joy that comes from being united with Him.

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